We are responsible for ensuring this policy is available, communicated and understood by all employees, customers, contractors and interested parties, such as suppliers and the general public in the places where we do business.
This includes making them aware of the obligations of MK3L and the impact it has had in order to achieve PT PETROLOG INDAH's policies and objectives.
This is the policy of PT PETROLOG INDAH, in the field of logistics services, lifting and transportation of heavy equipment provided to the Oil and Gas, Mining and other general industries in Indonesia to fulfill customer desires and do it in a safe and environmentally responsible manner.
PT PETROLOG INDAH implements PREVENTION policies in providing safe work locations, equipment and work equipment for employees, customers, contractors and the general public.
The shareholders and senior management of PT PETROLOG INDAH are responsible and do their best to advise all employees and all concerned to support the implementation of Quality, Occupational Safety, Occupational Health and Environmental Protection (MK3L | OHS and environmental management) policies in order to achieve objectives.